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20th Anniversary Subaru of Jacksonville BASCA Golf Classic - Friday, April 4, 2025!

Your participation in this event makes a meaningful difference for the individuals who rely on BASCA. This year's funds will directly enhance our transportation services, ensuring that those we serve can access their day programs, medical appointments, and community activities, essential components of their daily lives.

We're thrilled to announce that we're just $30,000 away from reaching our goal of raising $500,000 over the past 20 years of golf classics! Join us in making a lasting impact by supporting this important cause. Together, we can help empower our community and transform lives!

REGISTRATION FEE: Single Player - $150 / Foursome - $600

LOCATION: Eagle Harbor Golf Club


10:00 - Sign In Opens

10:30 AM - Box Lunch, Chick-Fil-A of Eagle Harbor

11:30 AM - Shotgun Start

5:00 PM - Awards Dinner & Silent Auction


Cart and Greens Fees

Golfer Goodie Bag (including Subaru Golf Shirt!)

Four Flights of Prizes

Hole in One Contest (for a new Subaru!)

Multiple Proximity Contests


Thank You To Our Sponsors!

Title Sponsor

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Thanks to QuestionPro for providing us free survey templates for running multiple types of surveys. It aids in strengthening our nonprofit family.